The One Place to Find Training Videos for many Topics

Providing options based upon request, and demand, this collection of training materials will grow over time as more suggestions and feedback is received. Do we have everything ready to be delivered?  No, but with your help we can tailor these resources to your needs.

Courses You Asked For

Starting with simple examples and responding to your requests for even more.  We aim to please.

This site will collect requests from all subscribers to attempt to create useful and creative multimedia materials to meet the needs of you; our interested viewers.

Web Development

Simple to complex website design combining HTML,CSS, and JS 


Concepts, programs, functions, and tips and tricks delivered for your use.

UX Design

Simple UX design and programs.

Database Design

Table structures, fields, functions and procedure’s 


Beginning to advance JS examples that can be imbedded in your code.


Creating simple websites to eCommerce sites; a beginning site for anyone interested.

Intro to Coding

Getting started coding for beginers

Apps & Games

Simple concepts that can be incorporated into larger development.

Become an expert

The site also offers the opportunity for contributors to have a place to store their individual materials for others to purchase.  Think of this  as a consignment shop for programmers and those who promote using online media to advertise their skills and promote their products.  Come join us!  There is plenty  of room for you!  

Learn by Doing

Being able to create multimedia materials and design instructional videos is a great way of learning how to do something.  Getting your hands involved is a great exercise!

Welcome to those who  want to join our little club, building a collection of tools and utilities, and offering them through the marketplace that this will become.  If you have videos that you believe have value and teach rich content, please consider becoming part of this collaborative.

Build your portfolio

One great facet of this site is its ability to grow the repertoire and portfolio for those who want to participate with little or no maintenance involved.

Each author will be given complete control over their contributions, their marketing needs, and their profits.  All you need to do is contribute your work to this site and build your portfolio.

Achieve your goals

Every budding programmer, video artist, multimedia presenter, and creator wants a place to present.  Artists have studios.  Producers have theaters.  Presenters have stages.  Now you can share in this environment, offering your expertise, at no cost, I pay the freight.  Contribute your creations and let others find value in them.

Offering a place to grow, to flourish, and to store the many projects you have built over the years, this site will feature your work and give people an opportunity to deploy them for their use.

My prototypes were being viewed by the end of the first day!

Imagine being able to say this as your long hours of work are being reviewed, evaluated, and implemented because you had a place to showcase them.  And it will cost you nothing to get involved.


Frequenly Asked Questions

Programming. HTML, Websites, eCommerce, Django and Python, MySQL and PostGreSQL, JavaScript. Video production

Why should I contribute?

If you are looking for a site to feature your development, programs, applications, etc, this is the site for you.  A free portfolio staging area for customers to peruse and find your work meeting their individual need.

What can I contribute?

We encourage original work, tools and utilities that you built for a particular reason that someone else might find very valuable.  Anything that you would be willing to share for purchasing.

Why are you doing this?

My goal is to create a pool of videos and programs myself that will enable a cadre of marketable materials.  While I am confident I can create  these in a regularly scheduled manner, I know the volume of requests will far exceed my  ability to keep up.  I invite you to participate and profit along with me on this  journey.

What does it cost to participate?

Nothing.  I  need you and your contributions.  I hope you find this offer attractive enough to upload your original work into this marketplace.

When do you think this will be profitable?

A vigorous and active marketing campaign will follow once we get a minimal set of materials to offer.  As the portfolio grows, the number of new requests will soon flow and the level of business will increase sharply.

Describe the business model.

Starting with original, already created offerings, marketing will advertise what we have.  A significant part of the marketing plan is dedicated to getting specific requests for newly-requested, development. Between what we are already building and those incoming requests, the repository will grow.

Free Courses

As an introduction, we offer short courses demonstrating our ability and model.

Premium Courses

Packages of courses will be offered at a discounted price in order to offer the best service possible.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account